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FAQ for Zoom

Should I download Zoom? 
Our sessions work best through the Zoom app instead of the browser, so we highly recommend that the Zoom app is downloaded, and learners join sessions there.

How do I join a Bundle Session? 
10 minutes before the start of your session, a “Join Session” button will appear on your dashboard next to the scheduled session. Click this button, and it will take you to Zoom to access your session. If asked, allow the link to launch the session in the Zoom app.  

How should my Zoom look? 
Once in Zoom, have your username displayed as your first name for your trainer to see. If you are in a public setting, feel free to blur your background or use a virtual background to reduce distractions in the session. These settings are next to the arrow button beside Start/Stop Video. 



Should I have my microphone unmuted? 
 Absolutely! Bundle sessions are designed to create a personalized, 1:1 conversation between you and your trainer. Ask your questions and share your thoughts directly with your trainer to make the most of your learning. 


What do I do if my audio/microphone is not working?

Let your trainer know via the chat or verbally. First try to mute and unmute yourself. Next, check that your headphones/speakers/audio source are connected correctly. You may have more than one device to choose from. You can choose a different speaker and/or microphone by clicking the arrow button next to Mute. If your audio is still not working, try leaving the session and rejoining.  


Should I have my camera on? 

We highly recommend that you have your camera on for the entirety of the session. This will allow you to get the most out of each session.  

What do I do if my camera is not working? 

Let your trainer know via the chat or verbally. First, try to stop and restart the video. Next, you may have more than one camera to choose from. You can choose a different camera by clicking the arrow button beside Start/Stop Video. If your video is still not working, try leaving the session and rejoining.  

What do I do if I am unable to see my trainer? 

Let your trainer know you cannot see them via the chat or verbally. Make sure you are in Gallery View. Try resizing the window. If you are in full screen, try making the window smaller or if the window is already small, try making it full screen.   

What do I do if my trainer is not in my scheduled session?    

Sometimes Zoom links can get mixed up! If your trainer is not in your session at the start, please contact the Bundle Support Team right away. We will be able to assist in getting everyone to the correct Zoom link. 

Accessibility & Accommodations

Does Zoom have Accessibility Features?
Yes, Zoom provides a variety of Accessibility Features.  
Can I have captions during my session?
Yes, you can turn on captions by clicking on “Show Captions”. You will also be able to choose the language the captions appear in. You can also change the display of the captions in your settings.
Can I use Keyboard shortcuts in my session?
Yes, you are able use the Keyboard Shortcuts you set in your settings.
Does Zoom support a Screen Reader?
Yes, Zoom does support the use of a screen reader. You can change the screen reader alerts in your settings.
What if I need the PPT sent to me for easier viewing than on the screenshare from the trainer?
Please let your trainer know and they will reach out to the Bundle Support Team. We will happily email over the PPT.
What if there are other accommodations that I need?
At the beginning of your session, please feel free to let your trainer know about any accommodations that you may need. You are not required to disclose any information you do not wish to share. If needed, the trainer will reach out to the Bundle Support Team for assistance. You may also reach out to the Bundle Support Team before the start of your session to discuss any accommodations.

How do I contact the Bundle Support Team?

Live Chat / 

Text: (201) 975-5706 